Our Mission: To educate, embrace and empower students with the knowledge and skills to build their future.

In order to support your student’s transition to middle school, we have created this communication guide to foster an open, helpful line of communication between school and families. At Irving, we strive to establish positive working relationships and know effective, clear communication is key to promoting partnerships with families.

General Information about Irving is communicated on our website

Helpful Information includes:

  • Daily announcements
  • Schedules (Regular schedule & an ‘X/Y’ day calendar)
  • Staff directory (including email addresses)
  • The monthly Irving Newsletter
  • Safe, Responsible & Respectful Skill of the Week lessons & Irving Advisory Lessons
  • A link to parent resources, library resources and to the Counseling Center

Helpful suggestions for communicating with Irving staff

  • If you’d like to access regular updates regarding your students academic progress, attendance, etc, ParentVue is a comprehensive resource many families utilize regularly. If you need assistance logging into or setting up ParentVue, please contact our Registrar, Christina Day, at 402-436-1214 option 3 or by email at cday@lps.org.
  • Many questions may be answered by contacting the school office at 402-436-1214 and listening to the options which will connect you with the correct staff member or office.
    • For Attendance: 402-436-1214 option 1
    • For the Main Office: 402-436-1214 option 2
    • For the Counseling Center: 402-436-1214 option 3
    • For the Health Office: 402-436-1214 option 4
  • If you have questions or concerns about assignments, missing work, your student’s grade or any classroom concerns we suggest contacting your student’s teacher by email or phone. Teachers often make phone calls & send email to families during their plan periods or after school. It is reasonable to expect a response within 24 hours during the school week.
  • Our grade level counselors are fantastic staff members to reach out to with any question, concern or positive news. Often they serve as the bridge between home and school and each of them are solution focused problem solvers that collaborate regularly with all school staff. Feel free to call or email your student’s counselor at any time. The Counseling Center/Registrar’s Office can be reached at 402-436-1214 option 3. It is reasonable to expect a response within 24 hours during the school week. For your convenience, our counselor’s email addresses are listed below.
    • 6th Grade Counselor: Beau Gothier (bgothie@lps.org)
    • 7th Grade Counselor: Janis Fiero (jfiero@lps.org)
    • 8th Grade Counselor: Abby Rehm (arehm@lps.org)
  • Reaching out by email or by phone to an Irving Administrator is always an option. We are here to partner with all families and want to ensure your student’s experience at Irving is positive. We welcome email and phone calls and are always available to help. If you call the main office (402-436-1214) our secretarial staff will direct your call to the appropriate administrator. Irving administrators are:
    • Principal: Rachael Kluck Spann (rklucks@lps.org)
    • Associate Principal: Deanna Macek (dmacek2@lps.org)
    • Instructional Coordinator: Cory Hachiya (chachiy@lps.org)
    • Special Education Coordinator: Dr. Anne Marie Boose (aboose@lps.org)
  • If anyone of our staff members is unable to provide you with the information you seek, we will collaborate to find accurate information and/or contact the correct person who may be able to assist you.
  • If you have a question or concern and you would like to remain anonymous or are unsure about who to contact, you may always visit the Lincoln Public Schools website or the Irving Middle School Website and click on the green ‘Safe to Say’ icon located at the bottom of the page. All questions, concerns, or positive feedback shared on ‘Safe to Say,’ is filtered back to the building so we may follow up efficiently and include any district personnel in a timely, effective manner.